Hide the Far Things

by Stefano Orazzini
Hide the Far Things
Stefano Orazzini
Photograph - Photography
A farmhouse, a tree and a bird in a foggy morning in Val d'Orcia, Tuscany.
Some lines from the poem "Fog" by the Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912): "Hide what is far from my eyes, pale fog, impalpable gray, vapor climbing the light of the coming day, after the storm-streaked night, the rockfall skies … Hide the far things – hide them beyond the sweep of my heart ... Show only that cypress tree, standing apart, and here, lying sleepily, this dog at my side." This is a photograph taken on a cold morning at the end of December 2015 in Val d'Orcia, in the renowned location of the Belvedere farm near the village of San Quirico.
As in Pascoli's poem, the fog discovers the closest things, the ones I want to see and hides the distant things from view, the memories that cause pain. The fog is a barrier that protects us from the sufferings of the past and shows us only the simplicity of everyday things.
January 26th, 2023
Comments (25)

Bob Lentz
Congratulations!, Stefano, on having a Most Popular Image January 12-31 as voted by members in the Best of Minimalism group on FAA.

William Dunigan
Awesome fog and bright tones -- love the balance created by the tree, farmhouse and bird!